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multimedia/AR/VR and other office services continue to grow, requiring wireless bandwidth upgrades. Wireless technology is constantly evolving, requiring continuous replacement of wiring and copper cables, with high repeated investment. A more economical and convenient network architecture is needed, which can be built in one go and upgraded easily, meeting the needs of the next 10-20 years of use.
Wireless office services are constantly changing, with higher requirements for high bandwidth and low latency. In high-density access scenarios, various wireless terminals with different standards have different requirements for bandwidth and performance. The high-speed application of individual users affects the business experience of other users. Voice or video conferencing has become a normal office business, and it is necessary to meet the latency requirements of various apps to ensure the experience of video conferencing.
Wireless services are complex, and network security and maintenance efficiency urgently need to be improved: Wireless applications are becoming increasingly complex. In addition to traditional static security measures such as access and encryption, dynamic wireless security measures are also needed to improve business security. Wireless experience is invisible, faults are difficult to replicate, and maintenance personnel run errands. More efficient maintenance management methods are needed.
APOLLO cloud management network services are used in conjunction with Fengrun Da network equipment, including three-layer core S5700 series 10G switches, access layer gigabit POE or non POE gigabit switches, enterprise grade AC routers, and WIFI6 wireless access points.
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