Cabang Global
Mitra Saluran Domestik
Mitra Saluran Luar Negeri
Negara dan Wilayah yang Dicakup oleh Bisnis
With the continuous application of information technology, the expansion of hospital intranet services and ports has become a common problem, with the expansion of departments, the addition of self-service machines, and the launch and use of various new equipment in wards. With multiple locations, rapid business growth, and significant changes in demand, the internal network information points need to be constantly adjusted to meet business needs.
Difficulty in business expansion.
Difficulty in managing weak current rooms.
Difficulty in managing internal network security.
Worry free expansion of business equipment, room switches provide sufficient ports and multiple choices.
Worry free uplink bandwidth expansion, flexible selection from 1G to 10G, no need to change the line, only need to replace the optical module.
Terminal seamless access, IP+MAC automatic binding.
Visual IP address management, clear at a glance.
APOLLO Cloud Management Network Platform Maintenance and Management.
internal network and external network.
The internal network core uses the core S6700 series 100G switch for stacking backup, and the core aggregation access layer adopts Ethernet all optical access.
The external network core S6700 series 100G switch has all optical access, and the core aggregation access layer adopts Ethernet all optical access.
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