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Mitra Saluran Domestik
Mitra Saluran Luar Negeri
Negara dan Wilayah yang Dicakup oleh Bisnis
In recent years, local radio and television network companies have done a lot of business exploration in order to seek business transformation and upgrading, and finally found that the cloud platform has pointed out the direction of “Internet + radio and television”, and cloud computing is the ideal platform to carry radio and television new media business.
High bandwidth and high quality services such as HD video cloud, 3D game cloud and virtual reality.
High starting point, open, extensible.
Fenrunda industry high-end core switch, multi-level orthogonal switching architecture, support industry high-end port density, the whole machine is fully equipped with 32 40G ports, 64 bytes to 9216 bytes of all cross-board wire speed, the minimum 0.57us forwarding delay, Very suitable for high performance computing, supercomputing center, data equipment interconnection, financial transactions and other high real-time requirements of the occasion support large distributed cache.
High stability, N+1 redundancy for SFU and power supplies, hot patch, disaster recovery and backup solution Product components, supporting the active-active data center solution.
Supports complete data center network features, such as lossless Ethernet DCB, TRILL, VxLAN, and L2GRE, and supports automatic migration of security policies after VM migration.
The core switches in the data center are directly connected to multiple secondary core node switches on the MAN, shortening the path for users to access the cloud service platform and reducing the traffic pressure on the backbone network.
Top switch and dual-core switch virtualize two physically independent switches into one logical switch using the VSU technology.
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