
Fengrun Da 2024 Channel Ark Offline Exchange Conference – Successfully Held at Shenyang Station


Shenyang, February 29th – In the context of rapid development of the technology industry today, communication and cooperation between enterprises are particularly crucial. Shenzhen Fengrunda Technology Co., Ltd., a research and development driven high-tech enterprise, is also a specialized and innovative national “little giant” enterprise. Yesterday, a large-scale and significant offline salon event was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. The theme of this salon revolves around the research and development, production, and sales of switches and wireless products, aiming to establish deeper cooperation with engineering companies and distributors in Shenyang, and seize future opportunities for the development of the digital communication market.

Shenzhen Fengrunda Technology Co., Ltd. has a development vision of becoming a world-class supplier of ICT basic network equipment. It has long been committed to the technological research and innovation of switches and wireless products, providing customers worldwide with a wealth of high-quality and high-performance products. With the intensification of domestic market competition, seeking new market growth has become an important strategic direction for Fengrunda Technology. Shenyang, as the central city of Northeast China, an important industrial base, and an advanced equipment manufacturing base, has naturally become a strategic market for Fengrun Technology in Northeast China.

The salon event held in Shenyang attracted nearly dozens of engineering merchants and distributors from all over the country to attend. Ms. Peng Songzhi, General Manager of Shenzhen Fengrunda Technology Co., Ltd., attached great importance to this event. The presentation covered topics such as research and development investment, technological innovation, national honors and qualifications, marketing planning, product line layout, market layout, and capacity upgrading, allowing attendees to fully understand Fengrunda from product dimensions, technical dimensions, and marketing dimensions.

She said, “Through this salon, we hope that more large, medium and small engineering companies, integrators, and channel customers can understand Fengrun Da, and achieve joint construction, creation, and win-win in the Liaoning market.”

At the event, Manager Ji, the Liaoning business manager of Fengrun Technology, had in-depth interaction with the attending guests. Both parties have had extensive and in-depth exchanges on product features and selling points, market trends and scenario solutions, technical support, and after-sales service.

At the same time, Fengrunda Technology also showcased its latest 2.5G, 10G, 40G, 100G high-speed switches, industrial switches, wireless WIFI6 routing, and WIFI6 AP products. These products have achieved industry-leading levels in terms of innovation and richness in functionality, and have received unanimous praise from attendees.

With the continuous development of new technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things, as well as the advancement of national digitalization and information construction, the prospects of the data communication market for switches and wireless products are very broad. The cooperation between Fengrunda Technology and engineering companies and distributors in Liaoning will undoubtedly bring greater development opportunities for both parties. This salon event not only strengthened the close connection between Fengrun Technology and Liaoning customers, but also laid a solid and strong foundation for future cooperation between the two sides.

The salon event held by Shenzhen Fengrunda Technology Co., Ltd. in Shenyang, Liaoning is an important step in its market layout in Liaoning, and also a new starting point for it to work together with local engineering companies and distributors to create the future.


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